
Showing posts from December, 2020


 Dear Quaid-a-Azam, happy birthday to you.You are the father of the nation ,a ,visionary leader,and a righteous person.Hope you will be enjoying your position and place in jannah.    But sometimes I thought that what would you feel   if you come back on earth and see  us behaving as a crowed rather than a nation. All of us has forgotten your teachings and your vision to be a great ,powerful ,welfare state of the world.    Quaid-a-Azam zindabad      Pakistan paindabad.


  A severe cold  in december is an awful phenomina in Karachi city. Every body got freeze. Temperature fell at 7 degree  in the morning time and rose about 20 toll during day time. Metrologist says that this is all because of Weather changes in the Himalian region due to the global  warming. 


 Pleasure is great,but it is ahorrible value to prioritize your life around.Ask any drug addict how his pursuit of pleasure turned out.Ask an adulterer who shattered her family and lost her children  wheather pleasure  ultimately made her happy.Ask a man who almost ate himself to death how pleasure helped him to solve his problems.           Pleasure is a false god.Research shows thatpeople who focus their energy on superficial  pleasures end up more anxious, more emotionally unstable and more depressed Pleasure is the most superficial  of life satisfaction  and therfore the easiest to obtain and the easiest to lose.               Pleasure is not the cause of happiness,rather  ,it is the effect. If you get the other stuff right(the other values and matrics), then pleasure will naturally occur as a       by   product.            "...

Being a female journalist is a nightmare

A female journalist 'Malalai Maiwand' was killed  in Jalalabad in the morning on her way to work on thursday 10 december 2020. She was a 25 years old young lady and had already lost her mother 5 years earlier in a terrorist attack. While Afghan interior ministery  Spokesmas, Tariq Aryan" condemned the murder, Afghanistan is still suffering from a continuous  civi war , destruction, violance, murdering attacks, bomb blast and failing the rule of law and order for almost forty years. Taliban did not accept the murder of an unarmed woman reporter but again who can verify the truth in a war torn country. Women have always been treated as a sub human  in Afghanistan. According to their famous sayings women should not go outside without a mehram, they must stay at home, brought up the children, cook food and do other household work. In this senario when an educated lady  started to work outside, dealing with other men raising questions and making arguments then how it...

Old Homes.

 Oldhomes is a famous and renowned place for todays world but it is an alian and dislike place for pakistani society.Oldhome is a social stigma and shame  for people. After the development of science and technology humen behaviour is completely change. Industrial revolution ,health fascilities richness knowing the neutriounious values of foods and awareness about calories intake  has been increased the normal age limits . West has arranged better life style and health fascilities for their senior citizens.In pakistan  majority of people nicely look after their parents. But it will not be apply on each and every family. There is a large number of people who do no want to take care of their parents,they  humiliate them, disrespect them and after control their savings threw them out side their houses.This is a   harsh      and bitter reality in our society. At this moment these oldhomes  give a shelter to these homeless people.They spe...