Mirza Asadullah khan Ghalib

 Mirza Ghalib  is well known as alegend and Ustad of Urdu ghazal.  In all over the world where urdu   is speaking as alanguage every knows about Mirza Ghalib or Ghalib.

 Today  on 15 february we are celebrating his 152 anniversery.

      The entire period of his life span revolves around the political and social conflicts.

      The English Government was harsh and cruel and just gave him a minor amount of money as  a stipend.Mirza was very fond of drinking as it was difficult to buy its bottle in asuch a few rupees.He  had no children  and looked after alittle boy as  his son. Unfortunately  his son became ill and died    as soon as Mirza could not do  for him. Tdiedhat was a worse situation for such asensitive personality as he was.

But Mirza deal withthese difficulties as a humour and satiric style of poetry in his kalam known as Dewan-E-Ghalib.

His petry gives us knowledge about his age and a also teaches us  to face the worldly sorrows and pains in a brave  and light mood.

In the last l will share you my favourite shayr


ہزار خواہشیں ایسی کہ ہر خواہش پہ دم نکلے"

"بہت نکلے مرے ارمان پھر بھی  کم      نکلے


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